Division of Biology and Medicine
Office of Women in Medicine & Science


Office of Women in Medicine and Science (OWIMS) serves to network women in medicine and science at all levels.

Dedicated to the advancement of women faculty, residents, students and trainees in the Division of Biology and Medicine at Brown University and The School of Public Health at Brown University, the Office of Women in Medicine and Science (OWIMS) serves to network women in medicine and science at all levels. The office offers educational programs to meet the needs of its many constituencies.  

The Office’s primary areas of focus are:

  • Professional advancement of women faculty, house officers, students and trainees
  • Career planning
  • Professional/faculty development
  • Mentorship programs
  • Networking
  • Recognition programs for women in medicine and science
  • Promotion of diversity and gender equity
  • Women’s health research and education
The Women in Medicine Mentor Program promotes connections between women medical students at Alpert Medical School early in their educational and professional studies with women physicians based at Brown affiliated hospitals and in the community.
Visit Page
The Office of Women in Medicine and Science hosts a full program of events aimed at facilitating career advancment and professional growth.
Visit Page


The mission of the Office of Women in Medicine and Science is to advance the academic progress and professional development of its women faculty, house officers, students and trainees through education, advocacy, mentoring and networking.

Our goals to fulfill this mission are:

  • To provide opportunities for women to acquire the skills and strategies necessary for their professional advancement;
  • To assure that women attain senior faculty ranks and leadership positions;
  • To monitor the status of women in medicine and science at Brown in order to ensure equality of participation, professional advancement, and compensation;
  • To identify and address barriers to professional advancement;
  • To communicate widely the successes of women in medicine and science;
  • To stimulate collaboration with external partners;
  • To promote excellence in clinical care, education and research in women's health;
  • To acknowledge and promote the importance of diversity, humanism, varied career paths, personal wellness and a healthy, balanced life for all faculty.


Katherine Sharkey, MD, PhD
Associate Dean for Gender Equity
Associate Professor of Medicine & Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Ph: 401.863.2450
Fax: 401.863.2940

Laura Henriques
Administrative Coordinator




Campus Location

233 Richmond Street
Providence, RI 02903
Find us on the map

Mailing Address

233 Richmond Street
Box G-R240
Providence, RI 02912